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Michael O’Kane is an expat American lawyer and the author of:

He was the last lawyer to be admitted to practice in the Panama Canal Zone. After Panama he moved north to Miami where his practice focused on federal cases including the Okechobee 7 case, the initial BCCI prosecution, the Andina coffee litigation and the case against General Manuel Noriega of Panama. In 2001 he moved to Saudi Arabia where he worked on the so-called “British Bombers” terrorism cases and since then has practiced primarily in the Middle East and Southeast Asia.

Michael O'Kane can be reached at: mok (at, or @)

His books can be found at Andalus Publishing.

The word mu7ami is the transliteration of the word lawyer in Arabic.

Law and Rockets

An American lawyer is sent to Iraq to manage the office of a German law firm. What could possibly go wrong ?

Where to Get Books and Articles

Books are available from Amazon by clicking on the links above or directly from the publisher, Andalus Publishing. Read all the articles by following the menu at the top of the page.